Drat that cat!
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جدید کتابیں

Ross, Tony <1938->

Drat that cat!

  • بکنگ نہیں کر سکتے
  • کل کاپیاں: 1
  • ادھار پر : 0
  • بکنگ: 0

خلاصہ: Suzy the cat is always getting into trouble much to the annoyance of her family. She can never do anything right! So Suzy decides to teach her family a lesson and make them realise just how much they love her. &quot;A witty and clever book from Tony Ross, surely one of the most distinctive and unique children&#039;s illustrators of the 21st century. One for the adults as much as the children!&quot; (Askews Library Service).

عنوان اور مساہمات: Drat that cat! / Tony Ross

اشاعت: Andersen Press, 2014

مواد تفصیل: 1 volume ; 28 cm

ای ے این: 9781783440757


زبان: English (, ٹیکسٹ کی زبان ,کالم آواز، وغیرہ)

ملک: United Kingdom

نام: (Publisher ) (Author ) (Illustrator )

زیر تحقیق:

کلاسیں: 741.5 Disegno e disegni. Fumetti, romanzi a fumetti, fotoromanzi, vignette, caricature, strisce a fumetti [22] NBI Narrativa bambini. Racconti illustrati (0)

موجود ہیں 1 کاپیاں, ادھارپر 0جن میں سے

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SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO BBC O NBI ROS DRA BMMC-1685 نمایاں / پیش دستیاب نہیں
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