Stilisti di moda A-Z
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Materiale linguistico moderno

Fashion Institute of Technology <New York>. Museum

Stilisti di moda A-Z

Abstract: From Azzedine Alaïa, Cristóbal Balenciaga, and Coco Chanel to Alexander McQueen, Yves Saint Laurent, and Vivienne Westwood, more than a century’s worth of fashion greats from the permanent collection of The Museum at FIT in New York City are celebrated in this fresh edition of Fashion Designers A–Z. 15 new names join the ranks of the industry’s most admired—Phoebe Philo, Patrick Kelly, and Sonia Rykiel, to name a few—in this updated and expanded release showcasing some 500 garments in the Museum’s permanent collection. From an exquisitely embroidered velvet evening gown to Mondrian-influenced minimalist chic, each piece has been selected and photographed not only for its beauty, but for its representative value, distilling the unique philosophy and aesthetics of each of the featured designers. In her introductory essay, the Museum’s director and chief curator Valerie Steele writes about the rise of the fashion museum, and the emergence of the fashion exhibition as a popular and controversial phenomenon. International style authority Suzy Menkes contributes a foreword, texts by the museum’s curators shine historical light on each label and garment pictured, and 125 drawn portraits by artist Robert Nippoldt pay homage to the creators behind them.

Titolo e contributi: Stilisti di moda A-Z : collezione del Museum at the Fashion Institute of technology / testo di Valerie Steele ; prefazione di Suzy Menkes ; con contributi di Fred Dennis ... [et al.] e illustrazioni di Robert Nippoldt

Pubblicazione: Taschen, 2023

Descrizione fisica: 508 : ill. ; 23 cm

EAN: 9783836596237


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Germania

Nomi: (Autore) (Illustratore) (Autore) (Editore)


Classi: 746.920747471 Arti tessili. Costumi. Musei, collezioni, esposizioni. New York [22]

Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: monografia edita in un solo anno
  • Data di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Target: adulti, generale
Testi (105)
  • Genere: saggi

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